Thursday, January 22, 2015

Period 4 Semester Final

1. My favorite photograph from the "Pictures of the Day, Syria and Elsewhere" Lens slideshow, is the sixth photo, the photograph depicting an old Mercedes Benz driving through a dried up lake. My three main reasons for choosing this photograph as my favorite picture are shown below.

  • My first reason for picking photograph six from the slideshow is the overall simplicity of the photograph. The photograph just depicts an old Mercedes driving through what once used to be a lake, the photographer doesn't try too hard to make the photograph complex, easing strain on the eyes, and making this a great photograph to view.
  • My second reason for choosing the sixth photograph as my favorite photograph from the Len's gallery is my personal passion and affection for automobiles. I have always had a passion for automobiles, and old Mercedes Benz are invaluable in the eyes of a car enthusiast, and especially in the eyes of mine.
  • My third and final reason for choosing the sixth photograph as my favorite from the Len's gallery is how open and barren the landscape of the photograph is. The beautiful Mercedes stands out in a barren and lonely wasteland, giving a nice contrast in the photograph, showing the difference between isolation, and loneliness. 
2. The best photograph from the entire Len's slideshow, is photograph two, the photograph depicting a Syrian mother holding her child, with the child crying, whether in confusion or through sheer depression. There are a multitude of reasons why this powerful photograph is the best photograph in the entire slideshow.

  • The first reason this photograph is the best from the entire slideshow, is because of the emotions one feels when viewing the picture. The baby held in his mother's arms crying brings out emotion in even the hardiest of viewers, making one instantly feel a connection with the photograph.
  • The second reason photograph two is the best photograph from the Len's slideshow is because of the depiction of the struggles of this family in the photograph. The photograph shows a family trying to cross the border from Syria into another country, and the hardships they have had to deal with. One can become sympathetic and even want to help the struggling family that is only trying to give their children the best lives possible. 
  • The third and final reason the second photograph is the best photograph from the entire slideshow is because of the applicability the picture has on current world events. This photograph depicts situations and struggles that are happening around the world today, giving it an incredibly realistic and shocking value. 
3. My best work this entire semester is the first rule of composition project in the beginning of the year. My project and rule of composition was the Ruled of Depth in photography, This blog post can be seen here. There are a multitude of reasons why I believe this is my best work all year.

  • My first reason for picking this project as my best work this year, is because of the timing of the project. This project was completed during the first few weeks of the year, and I had a lack of knowledge in the field of photography, leading to certain inhibitions. However, I was able to push through the doubts and create a great picture, lowering my doubts about myself and giving me the confidence to create the best photographs I possibly could.
  • My second reason for picking this photograph as the best project of the year, is because of the execution of the rule given. The project called for an execution of a rule of composition, which in my case was the rule of Depth. I was able to execute with ease and create an obvious example of how Depth can make a photograph that much better.
  • My third and final reason for picking this photography project as my best of the year, is the work and attention to detail this project required for me to pull of what I had expected from myself. I worked extremely hard for this project, and this hard work leads me to believe that this piece of work is the best work I have been able to supply so far this year. 
4. My three rules of Composition are the following.

  • My first rule of Composition is Depth.
  • My second rule of Composition is Reflection.
  • My third rule of Composition is Avoiding the Middle. 
5. The photograph that best demonstrates two out of my three rules of Composition is the Blog post titled "Third Photo Assignment - Composition". Which is shown below.
The two rules of composition that I apply in this photograph are

  • Avoiding the Middle
  • Depth
6. Mr. Farley's first rule of Composition is to "get closer".

7. Working in groups has many advantages to working alone, as the group aspect can create a whole new environment of learning. My five benefits of working in groups are listed below.

  • Working in groups is often more productive than working individually
  • Working in groups helps individuals get more out of their learning, they feel a sense of collaboration with their learning
  • Working in groups can help group members establish meaningful and effective relationships with other students
  • Working in groups can help ease pressure that a student may feel when tasked with completing an entire photography project individually
  • Working in groups helps students gain excitement for a subject through the use of collaboration
8. Despite having its fair share of benefits, working in groups also can have certain difficulties that may be detrimental to the learning process, These difficulties are listed below.

  • Working in groups can cause a lack of focus in the students, leading to a lack of work being accomplished
  • Working in groups can cause individual students to not push themselves to achieve their best work possible
  • Working in groups can cause students to feel a lack of individuality and creativity in their work
  • Working in groups can bring out the worst in certain students, working in a group environment may not be a comfortable experience
  • Working in groups can cause students of the group to conform to other members, causing many members to not even work on the collaborative project.
9. My favorite work of another student in my photography class is Zoheb Khan's Fifth Photography Assignment, titled "Fifth Photo Assignment - Self Portrait - Fourth Period". This post can be seen here.

10. For my "Masters of Photography" Project, I reproduced the work of Master Photographer, Imogen Cunningham. Imogen Cunningham contributed much to the field of photography, but mostly through her article "Photography as a Profession for Women". This article written by Imogen Cunningham urged many women to pursue a career in Photography, if that is where their interests lied. In a time where sexism and racism reigned supreme and prominent, Imogen Cunningham was a shining light of change, opening up the field of Photography to women of her time, and to women in the future.

11. Dorothea Lange's most popular photograph is her photograph, "Migrant Mother". Migrant Mother was taken in March of 1936 in Nipomo, California. The agency that hired Dorothea after the Migran Mother photograph was the Farm Security Administration.

12. The creator of the Time Magazine was Henry R. Luce. Time Magazine began publishing in March of 1923.

13. Robert Capa was a founding member of Magnum Photos. The organization started in 1947.

14. Robert Capa took the Falling Soldier photograph on September 5th, 1936 in Cerro Muriano, Spain.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Album Cover Recreation

This is my recreation of John Lennon's Plastic Ono Band Album Cover.
Here is the original Picture.

Here is my photo after being edited in Camera Raw, I decreased the clarity, while slightly raising exposure and saturation.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Masters of Photography Project Refelction

1. How do you think your project reflects your work as a student?
This project shows my work as a student in many different aspects, all accurately represented throughout the photography project. First, with the addition of effects to my photographs, I believe the project shows my hard work and dedication to make my work the best possible work that I could possibly do. Another aspect is how plants are a prominent aspect of the project, showing my love for nature and all around me, which can be applied to academics.

2. How has your understanding of photography changed during this school year?
My understanding, appreciation, and love for photography has changed drastically since the beginning of the school year, and is still changing continuously. I understand the lights and shadows, distance and focus, and how to use these to change and add effects in my photographs.

3. What are some of the benefits of working in a group?
Working in a group brings out the best in all of the individuals in the group, while also providing these individuals with a fun and stress free environment. In a group, the individuals become more creative, resulting in a greater production rate.

4. What are some of the disadvantages of working in a group?
The disadvantages of working in a group include the fact that the individuals may become distracted in the care free environment.

5. Now that you have had time to reflect, is there anything you would have done differently with your recent project?
I would have tried to go to other areas in Fremont to take images, rather than just stay in Mission San Jose High School, as I was limiting myself.

6. Is there anything else you want to include?
This project has opened my eyes to the field of Photography, and helped me learn more.